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+210 6144523


Innovative solutions for business process reengineering

Operational Excellence, OpEx

Strategy deployment, performance management and process excellence

Operational excellence is a mindset that embraces certain principles and tools to create a culture of excellence within an organization. Operational excellence means every employee can see, deliver, and improve the flow of value to a customer. This approach employs the tools of previous continuous improvement methodologies, such as Lean, Kaizen, Six sigma and uses Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) through data analysis (Data analytics). 

BUSINESS ELEMENTS provides consulting services to spread the culture of Operational Excellence and implement OpEx programs, with objectives:

Business Process Reengineering

Reorganization of business activity and procedures

We apply innovative techniques for process analysis and redesign. The core of the methodology we follow is the deconstruction of procedures into activities and their depiction in the form of flowcharts. We create the overall business process model, on which we study ways to improve.
We use an additional practice of evaluating the margins for improving a process by separating its operations into value and non-value-adding. In this way, we help you limit the operations that do not add value to your business.
Process Reengineering - Business Elements

ERP Project Management

Management of ERP smooth installation

The smooth installation of an Enterprise resource planning system (ERP) is a particularly difficult process, as it essentially brings out a change in mentality and reorganization in all levels of the business and is a transition to a new way of working. BUSINESS ELEMENTS is placed between the client and software supplier, from the client’s point of view. Specifically:

Our responsibility is to manage properly the project so that:


Multidimensional reports

BUSINESS ELEMENTS uses the most modern tools (QLIKVIEW, POWER BI,.) and builds communication between computer systems. We create multidimensional reports, i.e. reports in which the end-user can easily change the format of the data display.
With multidimensional reports:
BUSINESS ELEMENTS analyzes the data for you and gives you the opportunity to use this information to make decisions and strategic choices.


Analysis, Specification, Design, Software Implementation

In the path of reengineering, there can be a need to support some of the business activities with specialized software applications, which can either be autonomous or ERP combined systems.
We undertake on a case-by-case basis:


Accounting Cost, Activity Based Costing, Standard Cost, Budget Cost

The most representative indicators of business performance correlate operating sizes with the cost they absorb and compare them with financial results. Detailed cost monitoring and investigation is essential information for documented business decision making.
BUSINESS ELEMENTS implements calculation models based on cost analysis in relation to business operations.
We help you give reliable answers to critical questions such as:
management systems business elements

Management systems according to ISO standards

ISO 9001, 14001, 1801, 27001,---

BUSINESS ELEMENTS uses its knowledge and experience in business reengineering activities, in the design of quality management systems, hygiene and safety environment and information security. In this way, we provide our customers with a comparative advantage in dealing with ISO projects, as the systems we design:
BUSINESS ELEMENTS provides its customers with the specialized BE ISO document management software, for the e-keeping of the documents and files of the System.

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The modern approach in design and production process management.